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Welcome to g'day

Who are we?  
Euan Miller

Project Principal:   Euan M Miller,   MA (Hons) (Otago) GDM (NSW) MBA (Adel)

Contact:   Euan Miller,   Email:
Mobile Phone: 0401 124 387

Euan Miller is the director of g'day [sa].

Euan Miller was a member of the senior executive service in the SA Government and is now semi-retired. He has extensive experience at the executive and senior executive level in both the public and private sectors in New Zealand and Australia.

He has had substantial trade experience, especially with Asian countries and mentored small and medium businesses seeking to export from Australia.

He served as President of Business Enterprise Centres (Australia) Inc., was a member of the Small Business Coalition and a member of the Federal Minister's Small Business Forum. He has provided extensive principal policy advice to the SA Government which led to such achievements as the establishment of Education Adelaide, persuading the Federal Government to allow international students to seek residency in Australia after graduation, the review of visa conditions for Australians travelling to the USA, Japan, France and Spain and the establishment of a joint state/tertiary agreement between the three major universities in SA and the 9 universities in Baden-Wurttenberg, Germany.

In Rotary International, Euan Miller served as a Centennial Governor in 2004-05. He is currently involved in revitalizing Rotary through a pilot strategy in the South Pacific region. He has extensive leadership development experience having responsibility as a multi-district and national trainer of Rotary leaders since 2005. He is a member of the Rotary Club of Norwood. Euan Miller was a Winston Churchill Fellow (1969) and held Myer and Sir Ian Potter Travelling scholarships (1979).

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